texte animate css

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Texte animer avec css | par NGLESSON</title>
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  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <meta name="keyword" content="Texte animer avec css">
  <meta name="author" content="Mezgani said">
  <meta name="copyright" content="NGLESSON">
  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
html, body {
    width: 100%;  
    height: 100%;
    background: #76b852;
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to left, #76b852 , #8DC26F);
    background: linear-gradient(to left, #76b852 , #8DC26F);
    overflow: hidden;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
  h1 {
    height: 100px;
  h1 span {
    position: relative;
    top: 20px;
    display: inline-block;
    animation: bounce .3s ease infinite alternate;
    font-family: 'Titan One', cursive;
    font-size: 80px;
    color: #FFF;
    text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #CCC,
                 0 2px 0 #CCC,
                 0 3px 0 #CCC,
                 0 4px 0 #CCC,
                 0 5px 0 #CCC,
                 0 6px 0 transparent,
                 0 7px 0 transparent,
                 0 8px 0 transparent,
                 0 9px 0 transparent,
                 0 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
  h1 span:nth-child(2) { animation-delay: .1s; }
  h1 span:nth-child(3) { animation-delay: .2s; }
  h1 span:nth-child(4) { animation-delay: .3s; }
  h1 span:nth-child(5) { animation-delay: .4s; }
  h1 span:nth-child(6) { animation-delay: .5s; }
  h1 span:nth-child(7) { animation-delay: .6s; }
  h1 span:nth-child(8) { animation-delay: .7s; }
  @keyframes bounce {
    100% {
      top: -20px;
      text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #CCC,
                   0 2px 0 #CCC,
                   0 3px 0 #CCC,
                   0 4px 0 #CCC,
                   0 5px 0 #CCC,
                   0 6px 0 #CCC,
                   0 7px 0 #CCC,
                   0 8px 0 #CCC,
                   0 9px 0 #CCC,
                   0 50px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);

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