Bootstrap4 datepicker

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		  <h5 class="col-12 text-right">Intégrer Datepicker FR in input B4</h5>
		  <div class="form-group col-6">
			<label for="datepicker"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> Date</label>
			<input type="text" class="form-control" id="datepicker" readonly>
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$(function () {    
      isRTL: true,
      autoclose: true, 
      todayHighlight: true,
      language: 'fr',
      format: 'dd-mm-yyyy'
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Card Panel Bootstrap4 with header and footer

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Cards box with title

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Form Création de compte style animée

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Menu aside style01 slide out

Simple Table With UIKIT

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Tablet style code texte

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Vers le haut

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