Add Remove dynamic rows with dynamic ID of input in HTML table

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title> Add/Remove dynamic rows with dynamic ID of input in HTML table | par NGLESSON </title>
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<BODY class="container">
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-12 mt-5 " nowrap>
		<INPUT type="button" class="btn btn-md btn-success" value="Add Row" onclick="addRow('dataTable')" />
		<INPUT type="button" class="btn btn-md btn-danger" value="Delete Row" onclick="deleteRow('dataTable')" />
	<div class="col-12 mt-5">
		<TABLE id="dataTable" class="table table-hover">
				<TD><INPUT type="checkbox" name="selectedinput" id="selectedinput" /></TD>
				<TD><INPUT type="text" name="inputname" id="inputname" class="form-control"/></TD>
				<TD><INPUT type="number" name="inputage" id="inputage" class="form-control"/></TD>
					<SELECT name="inputcountry" id="inputcountry" class="form-control">
					    <OPTION value="0"></OPTION>
						<OPTION value="01">Maroc</OPTION>
						<OPTION value="02">France</OPTION>
						<OPTION value="03">Canada</OPTION>
						<OPTION value="04">Mali</OPTION>
<script src=""></script>
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function addRow(tableID) {
	var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
	var rowCount = table.rows.length;
	var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
	var colCount = table.rows[0].cells.length;
	for(var i=0; i<colCount; i++) {
		var newcell	= row.insertCell(i);
		newcell.innerHTML = table.rows[0].cells[i].innerHTML;
		switch(newcell.childNodes[0].id) {
			case "inputname":
					newcell.childNodes[0].value = "";
					newcell.childNodes[0].id = "inputname"+rowCount;
			case "inputage":
					newcell.childNodes[0].value = "";
					newcell.childNodes[0].id = "inputage"+rowCount;
			case "selectedinput":
					newcell.childNodes[0].checked = false;
					newcell.childNodes[0].id = "selectedinput"+rowCount;
			case "inputcountry":
					newcell.childNodes[0].selectedIndex = 0;
					newcell.childNodes[0].id = "inputcountry"+rowCount;

function deleteRow(tableID) {
	try {
	var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
	var rowCount = table.rows.length;

	for(var i=0; i<rowCount; i++) {
		var row = table.rows[i];
		var chkbox = row.cells[0].childNodes[0];
		if(null != chkbox && true == chkbox.checked) {
			if(rowCount <= 1) {
				alert("Cannot delete all the rows.");
	}catch(e) {
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