Table Responsive with css 01

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    <title>Responsive Table | Par NGLESSON</title>
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		<caption>Statement Summary</caption>
			<th scope="col">Account</th>
			<th scope="col">Due Date</th>
			<th scope="col">Amount</th>
			<th scope="col">Period</th>
			<td data-label="Account">Visa - 3412</td>
			<td data-label="Due Date">04/01/2020</td>
			<td data-label="Amount">$1,190</td>
			<td data-label="Period">03/01/2020 - 03/31/2020</td>
			<td scope="row" data-label="Account">Visa - 6076</td>
			<td data-label="Due Date">03/01/2020</td>
			<td data-label="Amount">$2,443</td>
			<td data-label="Period">02/01/2020 - 02/29/2020</td>
			<td scope="row" data-label="Account">Corporate AMEX</td>
			<td data-label="Due Date">03/01/2020</td>
			<td data-label="Amount">$1,181</td>
			<td data-label="Period">02/01/2020 - 02/29/2020</td>
			<td scope="row" data-label="Acount">Visa - 3412</td>
			<td data-label="Due Date">02/01/2020</td>
			<td data-label="Amount">$842</td>
			<td data-label="Period">01/01/2020 - 01/31/2020</td>
body {
	font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
	line-height: 1.25;
  table {
	border: 1px solid #ccc;
	border-collapse: collapse;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	width: 100%;
	table-layout: fixed;
  table caption {
	font-size: 1.5em;
	margin: .5em 0 .75em;
  table tr {
	background-color: #f8f8f8;
	border: 1px solid #ddd;
	padding: .35em;
  table th,
  table td {
	padding: .625em;
	text-align: center;
  table th {
	font-size: .85em;
	letter-spacing: .1em;
	text-transform: uppercase;
  @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
	table {
	  border: 0;
	table caption {
	  font-size: 1.3em;
	table thead {
	  border: none;
	  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
	  height: 1px;
	  margin: -1px;
	  overflow: hidden;
	  padding: 0;
	  position: absolute;
	  width: 1px;
	table tr {
	  border-bottom: 3px solid #ddd;
	  display: block;
	  margin-bottom: .625em;
	table td {
	  border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
	  display: block;
	  font-size: .8em;
	  text-align: right;
	table td::before {
	  * aria-label has no advantage, it won't be read inside a table
	  content: attr(aria-label);
	  content: attr(data-label);
	  float: left;
	  font-weight: bold;
	  text-transform: uppercase;
	table td:last-child {
	  border-bottom: 0;

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